Family portraits, pet portraits,
landscapes, and tattoo design
My name's Mike and I live just South of Nashville, Tennessee.
I am the original 'starving artist', but everyone that comes into contact with me seems to think I have talent so because
of that I have stuck with it through thick and thin (but also because I really enjoy doing it).
You will notice that virtually everything you see here is done in pencil - Why? I just prefer it, above
and beyond any other kind of medium.
So please come on in and have a look around, drop me a line, or just tell your friends about me. Whatever
the case, I just want to thank you for stopping by.
Hopefully soon I will be able to begin to sell pieces directly from here.
Please note that due to current limitations, some images appear here in far less quality than the
originals. I apologize for this, and I am trying to fix this problem.